Estimada Red,
Les comparto una invitación a un taller que estaremos realizando el próximo 16 de septiembre. Sabemos que no es el mejor horario para algunos de nuestro colegas en Colombia, Ecuador y esa franja horaria, pero esperamos nos puedan acompañar.
Dear all, I would like to invite you to the upcoming Cos4Cloud event ‘ Engaging the society beyond data collection’ . The workshop will analyse different challenges in volunteer participation in ocean monitoring projects: from potential barriers for volunteer participation up to how to improve the management of the cost and oceans developing evidence-based policies using, in some cases, the information generated in these participative processes. Event details:
- When? September 16th, 12:00h – 15:00 (CEST), online
- More information & registration form: Workshop: Engaging the society beyond data collection in citizen science Entradas, Jue, 16 sept. 2021 a las 12:00 | Eventbrite
- This workshop is aimed at all the communities interested in participatory coastal monitoring: Academia, industry (particularly SMEs), policymakers, and civil society (NGOs, local groups, environmental associations, schools, etc.).
Preliminary agenda
Welcome and introduction: Jaume Piera (ICM-CSIC)
An overview of previous and ongoing experiences:
Ocean Cities. Josep Lluís Pelegrí (ICM-CSIC)
Australian Coasts. Libby Hepburn (CSA)
Wadden Sea. Soledad Luna (W-S World Heritage)
Our Coast. Luigi Ceccaroni (EarthWatch-UK)
Reef Monitoring. Phanor Montoya (Corales de Paz)
Urban Beaches. Andrea Comaposada (Anel·lides)
Interactive session: going beyond data collection:
Breakout Room 1. English session
Breakout Room 2. Spanish session
The workshop is a Satellite Activity of the Event “A Predicted Ocean”, an Ocean Decade Laboratory organized in the framework of the United Nations Decade of Ocean for Sustainable Development.We hope to ‘see’ you there!Thank you very much. Best wishes,