Financiamiento vía CESP-GBIF

Hola a todos, buenos días.
Como había comentado en la reunión de Dic2019, están disponibles los fondos CESP para los nodos participantes de GBIF. La convocatoria se encuentra abierta hasta el 2 de Feb y las bases figuran acá:
En este momento los países que tienen nodo de GBIF son: España, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay, México, Perú. Si participan hasta 2 nodos, el monto máximo es de 15 mil euros, si son 3 o más, el monto asciende a 25 mil euros.

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Hola equipo. Desde el Nodo Español de Biodiversidad (GBIF.ES) apoyamos toda propuesta en este sentido, pero como ya comentamos no estamos en disposición de liderar una tarea de este tipo. Aun estamos pendientes de que nos comuniquen desde el CSIC (nuestra Dirección Técnica a la que estamos vinculados) cuál va a ser nuestra tarea y nuestra dependencia funcional. En cuanto sepamos algo os lo comunicaremos, pues así podremos organizarnos mejor.

Un abrazo a todos.

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Finalmente nos presentamos con esta propuesta liderada por SiB Colombia. En Abril tendremos novedades y espero sigamos en carrera a la Full Proposal.

Les dejo, en resumen, lo que se presento. Saludos!

Project Title: Iberoamerican Citizen Science Groups: a regional approach to citizen observatories, from data collection to publishing in GBIF Network

Project description
The data collected by iberoamerican citizens using multiples citizen observatories (iNaturalist,
Natusfera, eBird, Ictio, etc.) has been growing exponentially in the last 10 years. This situation
represent new challenges regarding how to publish, share and use data especially through In response to the growing importance of citizen science and the advantages of facing these challenges in a collaborative way, was created the regional network RICAP (Red Iberoamericana de Ciencia Participativa - Based on the experience and capacity existing in the partners of RICAP, we propose to organize a workshop to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and methodologies to understand the regional scenario in the use of citizen observatories. As well as propose common solutions to facilitate the process of publishing and sharing citizen science data in the region. The workshop will include the lessons learned on how to undertake these issues in different communities. The impact of the workshop will be measured 1) mapping experiences from a range of citizen observatories regarding standards, interoperability, taxonomy, data quality, citation, and visibility; 2) report with recommendations and key actions to help improve data publishing and increase the number of people using the services for citizen science projects.
This project is aligned with GBIF 2020 work item (Activity 3c, 4b, 4c) in order to work with national
citizen science groups.

Capacity Needs
There are several initiatives of citizen science in Iberoamerica, such as the ones identified in
Colombia (138) through the project CESP2017-0014, additionally, we have identified over 100 citizen science projects in iNat Colombia. Likewise, in many other countries of the region there are several projects and observatories but with many common issues regarding how to share and use data especially through GBIF. These issues are also linked to standards, interoperability, taxonomy, data quality, citation and visibility of data publishers, projects and observatories. Given the increase in citizen science projects and the progress made by RICAP, since the last two years, we have received several requests related to incorporate better citizen science practices, including data collecting and management, assessing the impact of the projects, access to relevant material for improving projects, and about the possibility to exchange experiences and get advice from people with expertise in citizen science in the GBIF context. We realized that these kind of enquires go beyond the country’s capacity and we need to strengthen the bonds inside and outside the region. Citizen science groups emerges as a priority in our region. It will give us the opportunity to identify needs and opportunities in terms of transfer and enhancement of capacities, data sharing, main gaps, and improvement in data quality for proposing more effective initiatives.

Amount Requested in Euros: €19,000.00
Total Co-Funding Offered in Euros: €16,000.00

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