4º Encuentro Latinoamericano de e-Ciencia

Hello everyone. Is there anyone in the community involved or interested in this conference 4º Encuentro Latinoamericano de e-Ciencia? I do not know and am not involved in this conference, but I am very interested to know more about it.

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Hello @lesandrop!
I participated in this conference a couple of years ago in Colombia.
It is an interesting opportunity to showcase your work, it is very well organized and I thought it was great!
There’s a lot of people, and the presentations were mainly specilized in informatics and its role in education.
If you have a chance to participate, I would go for it!

Hello @jcochero. Thank you for the information. The event seems to be very interesting. I believe there are a lot of people from e-science forums who would be interested in citizen science, especially online citizen science projects (where computing systems and Information and Communications Technologies play a very important role). I will get organized to see if I can attend this event or if there are any colleagues working on this topic who can attend. Thanks again.

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